Cleaner job in Pretoria

Employer/Recruiter: Indeed SA (8060)

Job Status: Active โœ…

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Employer/Recruiter: Indeed SA (8060)

Apply today to become a cleaner on Domestly. Please complete the application thereafter we will contact you and invite you for an interview.
Work as a cleaner on Domestly and find customers and businesses in your area
Get trained at the Domestly training academy
Work in your area close to your home
Decide which days of the week you want to work
Find clients and get bookings
Get paid every week
Flexible work

1 or more years of cleaning experience
Good references that we can contact
Cellphone that can use whatsapp
Clean criminal record



Work for a great company and choose which days of the week you want to work. Flexible work and good income. Be protected by Domestly and our standards of work.

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Job id : , #69964, 1,549 views,

Office Cleaner Vacancy โ€“ Pretoria ยป

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